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Ok, so you decided to go natural some time back and now what do you do.... Well being that I own a Hair Salon and being that a lot of women decided to go natural (chemical free) some time back, I see a lot of natural hair. What I can honestly say is that I do see a lot of damaged natural hair. The main three reasons for the damage that I see is (1) natural hair clients not getting their hair trimmed by a professional Stylist every two to three months. Being natural does not mean that you do not need to get a maintenance trim. I recommend you come in for a trim every three months max, do not wait any longer than three months. Also if you are natural nine times out of ten we will need to blow dry and possibly flat iron your hair to be able to give you an adequate precise trim.

Imagine trying to cut a balled up piece of paper straight or even; it's impossible. So it is with natural hair that is curled up, coiled up and/or balled up; we must start with a straight head of hair to give you a precise trim. Whether we can trim you after only a blow dry or whether we have to flat iron your hair to give you a trim is all based on the texture of your hair. (2) Doing a lot of "at home care" and never going into a salon for professional treatment and hair care. I see a lot of damage due to natural hair clients doing their own hair at home. Doing your hair at home is definitely your prerogative, your decision to make, but it makes a huge difference in your hair to go get a professional salon service at least monthly. I believe that women whether natural hair or not, you deserve to pamper yourself, have a "me day" and take get a professional salon service.

We are blessed with "one head of hair" and that's all we get. We get one head of hair.... Lets all take care of our hair that we have so that hairless is not the outcome. I also recommend monthly steam hydration treatments at the salon. We charge only $10 extra for a basic steam hydration, $20 for a MorroccanOil Treatment Steam and $15 for a Damaged Hair Treatment Steam; these prices are an additional price with your service; we do not offer ala carte steam hydration services.

I also recommend women take multivitamins on a daily basis to help the health of your hair. If you hate swallowing big pills like me, just get the chewable or the gummy adult vitamins, so now theirs no excuse to not take vitamins. (3) the third reason that I see a lot of damage in natural hair clients is "over usage of heat", such as flat ironing, silk presses, ceramic iron presses and especially hot comb iron presses. And excessive amount of heat usage could definitely cause the hair to become heat damaged.

How do you tell if you have heat damage? Your hair will look natural and curly when wet, but the ends of your hair will look straight just like it's relaxed hair. If you need more information on your beautiful natural tresses, I would be more than happy to do a FREE Natural Hair Consultation with you to give you more information about your own hair. To book a Consultation, go to and book your online appointment with me, M. Williams. I hope I've helped you a bit with your hair and here's to your "hairs health".

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