Wow natural hair has made a HUGE comeback and it's beautiful! Women are standing loud and proud and wearing their natural beautiful natural hair. It's been a long time coming and the day is at hand. Now that you have natural/chemical-free hair, do you know the healthy way to care for it? One key thing about natural hair is that it's usually craving moisture.... So the solution is steam hydration! Natural hair tends to feel dry, brittle and hard, but we at Sugar Salon have the resolution for you and we offer steam hydration. Steaming will make your hair: soft, silky, moisturized, healthy and most importantly, it will be hydrated. It is recommended to do steam hydration on a monthly basis and if you plan to do the straight look a lot as opposed to the natural or kinky look, then keratin straightening is recommended so that heat damage does not occur. I am the Owner of Sugar Salon and I too have natural hair and I wear it loudly and proudly!!! We have some fabulous Natural Hai